Tuesday, October 4, 2016

 President Castillo emailed me about the hurricane and said that from what they have seen here in Dajabon it is only expected to rain heavily but shouldn´t be a big deal. He told me that he would let me know immediately if it becomes stronger or anything weird happens with it. So no need for you to worry Momma. We have plenty of clean water in the house and lots of rice to keep us alive if anything does happen :) For the moment it is just cloudy here, not raining or anything. Well this week was pretty normal. We as always here in this area have been struggling to find new people to teach. One of the people we are teaching is progressing a bit though. She came to two sessions of conference and liked it so that was cool. On Wednesday we had an activity to try and find more investigators. We watched part of Meet the Mormons at the church and told all the members they had to bring a friend. Not too many of the "friends" showed up haha but a few new people came. I was able to watch conference in English. It was awesome and I enjoyed it a lot.  On Thursday night president Castillo called me to tell me that I will be training a new missionary this upcoming transfer. So the next morning at 5:30 am we left on a bus for Santiago so that I could attend the trainers meeting. I am pretty excited for it. I think that it will be cool to have a new missionary and help him get used to the mission.  We also got the news that they will be closing the other area of Dajabon and that area will become part of my area. I am pretty sure that makes my area the largest in the whole mission. That was definitley unexpected but now my new comp and I will be the only two missionaries in the branch.  They also told me that I am going to be a district leader now.  Life goes on and I am always trying to improve and find out what I need to do to be able to help this area improve. I love you lots and all of the family. Be safe, smart, and enjoy everyday of life!
Elder Mifflin

September 19, 2016

 Well another week down. It is crazy how fast time is going by. I can’t believe that I have already been here for almost a month. This week was pretty good overall. During the whole week we have been able to invite about 5 different people to get baptized and they all accepted it so that was pretty cool. As always the big problem is that they still don´t go to church haha so we are working on that but at least they understand our purpose. On Wednesday we had a conference with multiple zones in a place close to the city of Santiago that is called Navarrete (like the last name of my old comp). Elder Martinez of the seventy talked to us and I was definitely able to learn a lot of how I can improve. He is a super cool dude. But yeah it takes about 2 hours and 15 minutes to get to Navarrete so we had to leave about 6:30 to make sure that we got there early. The conference ended about 3 and we actually had to take a bus to Santiago to be able to get a bus back out to Dajabon. In the end we had a very uncomfortable bus ride and got home around 7:00 so that took up pretty much that whole day. Then the next few days were pretty normal, working and teaching and such. On Sunday all of the commitments that people had made to us fell thru but we did have a lot of less actives come so that was good. Then today as you will be able to see from the pictures that for the first time in a long time we actually did something fun for P day. We left our house at 4 am to take a bus to Monte Cristi which is on the north shore of the island and is the area of our zone leaders. From getting off the bus around 5:15 we walked for about an hour to get to the base of the morro. From there it took about 20 minutes to hike up it. It felt really good to hike a little bit and the view was awesome. After climbing that we went down to the beach real quick to see the ocean. It was really cool to finally be able to see, hear and smell the ocean after having been on an island for more than 1 year without seeing it. I also took my shoes off and jogged a bit on the sand and it felt so good. I wanted to jump in so bad but don´t worry I didn´t do it haha. After that we went to the church in Monte Cristi and played basketball and soccer. It was a pretty awesome day overall. 

Elder Mifflin