Monday, November 23, 2015

Week 12

Well.... this was quite the interesting week. Probably the best place to start is with our phone. Elder Tucker accidentally washed it with his pants the other day, so we put it in rice after and gave it some sun treatments and it kind of started working again but not very well, kinda off and on. Then from there things went pretty normal for a couple days. A couple crazy flash flood type storms, lots of lessons, lots of mosquitos, lots of walking. Then Sunday rolled around and let me tell ya I am never going to forget this Sunday!  To start, we had a district conference in Primavera and had 5 investigators attend which was awesome. One of them is this way cool guy that is progressing a lot, and it  was his first time at church. I looked over at him about half way through a hymn and he was crying.  After he said he loved it and felt the spirit really strong there and he wants to go to church every Sunday for the rest of his life now.  After the meeting we had our couple get their baptismal interviews and we helped them to plan their wedding and baptism day. Then we walked 30 minutes home, ate lunch, left for the day, and had some good lessons.  So up to this point it was a pretty good Sunday right?  It was indeed, but from there things went wacko. So we got home around 9: 30 and on Sunday nights we are suppose to report our numbers, but our phone stopped working earlier that day so we couldn't report our numbers. Our zone leaders knew that our phone was barely working and it was too late to leave to try and call them with another phone so we figured that it wasn't a big deal if we didn't report our numbers. So we planned to call them tomorrow, ate some food, and went to bed just like normal around 10: 45 pm.  At 1: 30 am I wake up to the sound of someone banging on our door.  I walk over to the door and look through the little crack in it and see white shirts and ties, its the zone leaders!   Then I hear Elder Walker´s voice outside, one of the AP´s. So I freaked out a little bit and ran over and shook Elder Tucker awake and we opened the door. There were the AP´s,  two members from our ward, and PRESIDENT CASTILLO!  I never thought I would be seeing the mission president trying to break down my door at 1: 30 in the morning, but I did!   So anyway,  they run in and are losing it (where have you guys been?!?!......what were you doing?!?!?!) They told us that they had called the police, all of our investigators, and the area seventy. They thought we had been kidnapped.  So we had to assure them of our innocence, that we had been there the whole time sleeping and our phone just wasn't working.  Then they left after about 15 minutes.... it was so crazy!  I was so shocked I couldn't fall back to sleep for about 3 hours.  I also didn't know if they had called our families and so I was a little freaked out because I know that my mom would have lost her marbles if she was told I was missing.  So how did all this come to be? We ended up finding out the next day that the hermanas in our area were told by the district leaders we hadn't called in. So the hermanas called a member to go to our house around 11 to check on us. He must have not knocked hard enough because we didn't wake up. So he told the hermanas nobody was home..... and they freaked. One of them called the mission president crying and told him she thought that we had been mugged or kidnapped, so that is why he ended up coming!   Well, thats my story, sorry that was a really long email but I needed to give you guys all of the details. Other than that life is good.  I am only 9 days away from the 100 day mark which is kinda crazy.   Our couple is going to get married and baptized next weekend so that’s awesome too!  So yeah that is my life right now, working hard to improve my abilities as a missionary and also my Spanish. I am hoping to have 5 baptisms before Christmas and things are looking good for that to be a reality.  I miss you guys a lot and I hope that everything is well.

Elder Mifflin

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